How to Buy


Buying at SANCHIS SALCEDO is very simple. Just follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Add to cart" to add the item to your shopping cart without obligation.

  2. To see all the items you have added, you can click on the shopping cart on the right side of the top menu. Here you can also delete items or modify the total number of units and click on Place order to make your purchase.

  3. Enter the relevant information for your purchase here and click Continue to Shipping Method .

  4. On the shipping page, click Continue to checkout .

  5. Choose between making your payment with:

    - Credit/Debit Card
    - Paypal
    - Bank transfer
    - Bizum

    Once you have selected the payment method, click on Review order to
    submit your order.

  6. Immediately afterward you will receive an email confirming your order with the corresponding purchase receipt.